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Monday, February 27, 2012

Malika's road trip !

I've chosen to go to Denmark by car with Charly and Baptiste because I've always wanted to do a road trip, it was a great opportunity for me to experience new things and discover other cultures.

This is a map of our road trip 

First stop => Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

This city is so fascinating, I was really amazed by the beauty of the monuments and the huge number of chocolate shops.

(For those who don't know me, I'm a big fan of chocolate :p ) 

It was our first visit to this beautiful city, so we were attentive to every detail.
Once in the center of the city, we quickly noticed that belgians have a different
style of driving compared with french people, which made charly a little bit confused.
It was so funny to hear him saying many times « it's a crazy town » !!!

With Charly and Baptiste, I enjoyed every second spent there.
Let's take a look at some pictures I've taken despite the cold weather =)

Baptiste and Charly =)

A chocolate shop =)

The next stop ==> Amsterdam, the capital of Netherlands.

An other beautiful city with a different kind of monument and a lot of charming architecture. 
Unfortunately, it was snowing so hard when we got there, it was difficult to see where we were going. 

A cold snowy day =)

No more fast food  xD

The last stop ==> Hamburg in Germany.

This city is quite big and really nice, but a bit expensive, 
I've enjoyed visiting new places I've never been before, and as usual, some pictures in order to immortalize the visit =)

Funny picture ^^

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