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Monday, April 30, 2012


American who has lived since thirty years in Denmark.

Internationnal day

Every year the university VIA organized an international day. we had the opportunity to sample foreign foods, watch international performances, check out exhibits from many countries, the International Culture and Food , experience cultural demonstrations, and all students from university can participate to taste a foreign foods from each country.


american who lives since thirty years in denmark

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A journey in copenhagen : Kastellet

On a visit to Copenhagen, I visited Kastellet (wich means "the citadel" in Danish).

Kastellet is a fort built between 1626 and 1640. It is a star-shaped fort like most of the forts built during this period.

Here is an aerial view of Kastellet.

The red cross on the picture indicates the location of the Little Mermaid statue. As you can see they both are very close to each other.

Now some history:

After the swedish siege of Copenhagen, Kastellet was rebuilt and extended between 1658 and 1660. It helped in the defense of Copenhagen against England in 1807 during what is called "the battle of Copenhagen". In April 1940, the German troops captured Kastellet resulting in the capitulation of Denmark.

Nowadays, Kastellet is still a military area but is open to public.

Personal thoughts :
I wouldn't recommend visiting Kastellet unless you have an interest into Danosh history or is interested by this kind of architecture.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The visit to Copenhagen ( Awesome trip )

Arrival in Copenhagen !!

Copenhagen is a dynamic and friendly city offers many activities, shops attractive on the longest pedestrian street in Europe, cool design, and trendy restaurants and a vibrant nightlife with excellent music scenes.

It was With friends at the University of different nationality, Australian, Polish and Lithuanian.. I really enjoyed this mix of friends which leads us to discover different cultures and speak only English.
have enjoy !!

Copenhagen has a type climate (Oceanic) with record heat as 33.8 ° C on 12/08/1975 and record low as -24.2 ° C on 01/26/1942.
The average annual temperature is 9 ° C.

The Danish population of the metropolitan area of Copenhagen recorded in 2011 is1,974,200 inhabitants

Rosenborg ( Castle )

Still with firend's polish near to the Castle of Rosenborg (Rosenborg Slot) is in the center of the Danish capital Copenhagen.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Glyptoteket)

The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek is an art museum in Copenhagen.
The museum collections include classical Egyptian, Roman and Greek antiquities, Romanticist sculptures, and paintings, as well as Golden Age Danish art. The Etruscan collection is one of the most extensive outside Italy.

The 10,000 pieces of artwork here are divided into two parts: the Mediterranean-Western Culture Collection and the 19th and 20th-century Danish and French art collection.